Cash Flow Advice from Jane Applegate’s Cameraman

by Dawn Fotopulos on October 12, 2012

You wouldn’t think you’d learn a lot about cash flow from a cameraman, but boy was I  surprised today when I did!

Producer Jane Applegate asked if I’d videotape three small business tips for our audience, which I love to do. It might just save a small business or two from the grip of bankruptcy.

Tip 1: Always get a deposit against a long-term project

The first tip was about a web designer who spent six months working on a website, billed the client  and never got paid for it.

What’s the lesson? Always get a deposit against a long term project. If a client is unwilling to give you a down payment, they’re probably not serious about paying you either. Don’t get caught in that trap.

Tip 2: Always invoice smaller amounts more frequently.

Second, always invoice smaller amounts more frequently. That makes it easier for clients to pay you, it helps your cash flow and it reduces your collections risk.

While we’re shooting, the cameraman has an epiphany. He said he was doing a shoot for a big accounting firm and they told him when they started billing the client weekly, instead of monthly, they got paid 30% faster.

The cameraman took this advice and started billing his customers weekly. Instead of invoicing them $2000 per month, he now bills $500 per week. Guess what happened? He got paid in ten days instead of sixty days.

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If you haven’t done it already, download our cash flow management whitepaper.

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In your corner as always,

Dawn Fotopulos

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